
Postgraduate taught programmes are structured programmes of study made of courses in specific areas; completion of a dissertation is also a partial requirement in the case of Master’s degrees.

The table below summarises the minimum period required for the completion of each PG taught programme on a full-time and part-time basis and the maximum duration within which all stipulated course requirements shall be fulfilled, from the date of registration.

Type of postgraduate programme Degree/ DiplomaMinimum DurationMaximum Duration
PG Taught Programmes (Lectures + Research Component)Post Graduate Diploma (SLQF* L8)Course work option10 months*15 months2 years 3 years
Coursework & Research Option
Master of Science in Engineering (SLQF L10)
Master of Science (SLQF L10)
2 years*3 years4 years6 years
Master of Engineering (SLQF L9)
Master’s Degree (SLQF L9)
1 year1.5 years3 years4.5 years

SLQF – Sri Lanka Qualifications Framework

*Most PG taught programmes at present offer part-time options only.

Taught programmes are administered by the respective Departments of Study:

  1. Chemical & Process Engineering
  2. Civil Engineering
  3. Computer Engineering
  4. Electrical & Electronic Engineering
  5. Engineering Mathematics
  6. Mechanical Engineering
  7. Production Engineering
  8. Engineering Management