Date of Registration
A person who has been selected for a postgraduate taught programme shall be required to register and pay all the prescribed fees on or before the date specified by the Department of Study responsible for conducting the programme. The effective date of registration of a student enrolled for such a postgraduate programme is the date on which the respective programme has commenced.
For postgraduate research programmes, the date of registration for each candidate shall be determined by the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee, and the candidate is required to pay the prescribed fees. The Faculty Higher Degrees Committee may decide to backdate the date of registration if a request with sufficient justification is made by the applicant through the supervisor(s) and the Head(s) of the Department(s) concerned. If the candidate is a provisional student, whose provisional registration has not lapsed by the time the research degree application has been signed by the HOD concerned, the effective date of registration shall be backdated to the date of provisional registration. Otherwise, normally the date of registration is the date on which the HOD concerned has signed the research degree application form. The selected candidate has to pay the prescribed fees on or before the date specified by the AR of the faculty.
Concurrent Registration
A student who is registered for a postgraduate diploma/degree programme in the Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya or any other academic institution within the University or outside is not permitted to register concurrently for a postgraduate diploma/degree programme in the Faculty of Engineering.
Maintenance of Registration
A postgraduate student shall be required to renew his/her registration annually until the completion of the programme of study.
Withdrawal from a Programme
A postgraduate student wishing to withdraw from the programme for which he/she is registered shall do so in writing to the Chairperson, Faculty Higher Degrees Committee through the supervisor(s) and the Head(s) of the Department(s) concerned. In case of such students, adjustments of fees and refunds, if any, shall be decided by the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee, in consultation with the Department(s) concerned.
Postponement of Registration
A student who desires to postpone his/her registration for a programme shall do so in writing to the Chairperson, Faculty Higher Degrees Committee through the supervisor(s) and the Head of the Department concerned, giving reasons for the postponement and indicating the desired period of postponement. The request has to be made prior to the commencement of a postgraduate programme with taught courses or within one month of receipt of the admission letter to a research-based postgraduate programme.
Changes to Registration
A student who wishes to amend the registration in matters such as courses/subjects, thesis topic/title, and degree programme should do so in writing to the Chairperson, Faculty Higher Degrees Committee for the approval of the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee, through the supervisor(s) and the Head(s) of the Department(s) concerned. Any changes in the personal circumstances declared at the time of registration should be communicated in writing to the Assistant Registrar, Faculty of Engineering.
A student is not normally allowed to change his/her supervisor(s). However, under special circumstances, where the student or the supervisor(s) concerned brings to the notice of the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee that such change is essential for the successful completion of the research work, the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee in consultation with the Head(s) of the Department concerned may appoint a new supervisor(s).
Cancellation of Registration
The registration of a postgraduate student may be cancelled by the Faculty Board upon the recommendation of the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee for reasons such as inadequate academic progress, non-submission of project reports on the due dates, violation of the Rules and Regulations of the Faculty and the University of Peradeniya and failure to pay the prescribed fees.
Transfer between Programmes
This section specifies the conditions under which a student may seek transfer from one postgraduate programme to another postgraduate programme, at a higher or a lower level than the programme in which he/she has been registered. The application for transfer, along with recommendation of the supervisor(s) and the Head(s) of the Department(s) concerned, should be submitted to the Chairman, Faculty Higher Degrees Committee for the consideration of the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee.
This section also deals with the transfer of credits possessed by a student, at the admission stage, at the stage of transfer, and through sandwich programmes.
Transfer to a postgraduate programme at a higher level
A student who has obtained a very good grade point average (GPA) for coursework and/or has shown excellent progress in research, may apply to the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee for transfer to a postgraduate programme at a higher level. Such a transfer may be allowed provided that,
(a) the transfer is feasible and conforms to conditions specified in sections mentioned below,
(b) the student possessed the minimum qualifications required for direct admission to the higher-level postgraduate programme as specified under Section 5, at the time of admission to the postgraduate programme for which he/she has been registered.
A transferred student shall satisfy all the relevant conditions specified in Section 5 to be eligible for the award of the degree under the postgraduate programme to which he/she has been transferred. However, the Faculty Board on the recommendation of the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee may grant the transferred student concessions on the minimum credit requirements, the minimum duration of research study, and the minimum total time for the completion of the current postgraduate programme, subject to the upper limits specified in sub-sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and after considering the amount of coursework and research carried out by the student under the first postgraduate programme.
Transfer from PG.Dip.(Coursework Option) to M.Eng./Masters Degree programme
A student who has satisfied the total credit requirement for the PG.Dip. programme with a GPA of at least 3.0 may be transferred to an M..Eng../Masters Degree programme. The maximum concession allowable is 25 credits on courses.
PG.Dip. (Coursework Option)
A student who has satisfied the total credit requirement for the PG.Dip. programme with a GPA of at least 3.0 may be transferred to an M.Sc.Eng../M.Sc. programme. The maximum concession allowable is 25 credits on courses.
No concessions shall be granted regarding the credit requirement of research project for M.Sc.Eng./M.Sc.
PG.Dip. (Research Option)
A student has shown excellent progress in research may be transferred to an M.Sc.Eng./M.Sc. programme. The maximum concession which may be allowed in this case is 25 credits on research. No concessions are allowed on the coursework requirement
Transfer from M.Eng./Masters Degree programme to M.Sc.Eng./M.Sc. programme
A student who has completed the total credit requirement for the M.Eng./Masters Degree programme with a GPA of at least 3.0 may be transferred to M.Sc.Eng./M.Sc. programme. The maximum concession allowable is 30 credits on courses. No concessions are allowed on the research component.
Transfer from PG.Dip.(Research Option) to an M.Phil. programme
A student who has shown excellent progress in research may be transferred to an M.Phil. programme. The maximum concession which may be allowed in this case is a reduction of the minimum total time for completion by the duration of the full- time research already carried out or 10 months, whichever is lower.
Transfer from M.Sc.Eng./M.Sc. to an M.Phil. programme
A student who has completed the total credit requirement on courses for the M.Sc.Eng./M.Sc. programme with a GPA of at least 3.0 and has shown excellent progress in research may be transferred to an M.Phil. programme. The maximum concession which may be allowed in this case is a reduction of the minimum time for completion by the duration of the full- time research already carried out or one year, whichever is lower.
Transfer from M.Phil. programme to a Ph.D. programme
A student who has shown excellent progress in research may be transferred to a Ph.D. programme. The maximum concession which may be allowed in this case is a reduction of the minimum time for completion by the duration of the full- time research already carried out or two years, whichever is lower.
Transfer to a postgraduate programme at a lower level
A student already registered for a postgraduate programme, who has either encountered difficulties in satisfying the course requirements of the postgraduate programme, or failed to satisfy the total course requirements within the maximum time specified in Section 5 for the postgraduate programme, may apply to the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee for transfer to a postgraduate programme at a lower level.
The Faculty Board on the recommendation of the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee may approve or reject such transfer after considering the progress made by the student during the first postgraduate programme.
The transferred student shall satisfy all the relevant conditions specified in Section 5 to be eligible for the award the degree under the new postgraduate programme. However, the Faculty Board on the recommendation of the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee may grant the transferred student concessions on the minimum credit requirements, the minimum duration of research study, and the minimum time of completion of the new postgraduate programme, after considering the amount of coursework and research carried out by the student in postgraduate programme for which he/she has been originally registered.
Transfer of credits at the stage of admission
A candidate who has followed postgraduate courses in a university or institution of higher learning acceptable to the faculty of Engineering, at the time of admission, may be permitted, on the recommendation of the Higher Degrees Committee, to utilize all or a fraction of credits from postgraduate courses which he/she has followed to satisfy the course credit requirements of the postgraduate programme after admission, provided that such course credits have not been used to earn another degree or any other such qualification. Only up to eight credits shall be permitted to utilize if such course credits have been used to 20 earn another degree or any other such qualification. Transfer of such credits shall not be permitted if they were necessary to make the person eligible for admission to the postgraduate programme for which the student is registered.
Leave of Absence from a Programme
Leave of absence from a programme shall not normally be granted. However, leave may be granted under special circumstances by the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee if a written request is made by the candidate through the Head of the Department concerned, explaining the circumstances and with the necessary documentation in support of the request. A candidate on a split or a sandwich programme may be released for a specified period of time to continue the programme in an outside collaborating laboratory/institute. Exemption from payments of fees, if any, during the period of leave will be determined by the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee. However, the candidate should maintain continuity of registration by paying the relevant registration fees.
Releasing a Candidate
A candidate on a split or a sandwich or a joint programme may be released for a specified period of time to continue the programme in an outside collaborating University//institute/ laboratory. The candidate has to make a written request to the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee through the supervisor(s) and the Head of the Department concerned with the necessary support documents to obtain the release. The candidate shall be exempted from tuition fees for the released period. However, the candidate should maintain continuity of registration by paying the relevant registration fees.
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