The composition of the Board of Examiners for the evaluation of postgraduate diploma/degree programmes shall be as follows:
Postgraduate Diploma (PG Dip)
- The Head of the Department concerned or his/her representative, who shall chair the meeting of the Board of Examiners
- One member or more of the Academic Staff of the Faculty: in the case of the Research option, Two members or more of the Academic Staff of the Faculty
- The Supervisor(s) (as observer(s))
Degree of Master of the Science of Engineering (MSc Eng)/Degree of Master of Science (MSc)
- The Head of the Department concerned or his/her representative, who shall chair the meeting of the Board of Examiners
- Two or more members of the Academic Staff of the Faculty
- The Supervisor(s) (as observer(s))
Degree of Master of Philosophy (MPhil)
- The Head of the Department concerned or his/her representative who shall chair the meeting of the Board of Examiners
- An External Examiner from outside the Faculty of Engineering, who shall be an expert in the field of study associated with the research
- Two or more members of the Academic Staff of the Faculty
- An additional member from the Academic Staff of the Faculty if the External Examiner is unable to participate at the oral examination.
- The Supervisor(s) (as observer(s))
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
- The Head of the Department concerned or his/her representative who shall chair the meeting of the Board of Examiners
- An External Examiner from outside the Faculty of Engineering, who shall be an expert in the field of study associated with the thesis
- Two or more members of the Academic Staff of the Faculty
- An additional member from the Academic Staff of the Faculty if the External Examiner is unable to participate at the oral examination.
- The Supervisor(s) (as observer(s))